Advanced Stream


Room: Elatifi 3-4

08.45 - 09.35 | Structure and function of the endothelium | Kristin Zersen
09.40 - 10.30 | Endothelial dysfunction in sepsis | Poppy Gant

10.30 - 11.10 | Morning break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area

11.10 - 12.00 | Hospital-acquired AKI | Corrin Boyd 
12.05 - 12.55 | Leptospirosis: from injury to recovery | Alexandra Nectoux & Julie Combet-Curt 

12.55 - 14.10 | Lunch break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area

12.55 - 14.35 | ECVECC AGM | Nocture Wine Bar | Diplomates only

14.10 - 15.00 | Urinary AKI biomarkers | Corrin Boyd 
15.05 - 15.55 | IV fluids for nephrotoxins: what is the evidence? | Corrin Boyd 

15.55 - 16.35 | Afternoon break & Poster visit | Exhibition Area

16.35 - 17.25 | Extracorporeal therapies for CHF and diuretic resistance | Alessio Vigani 
17.30 - 18.20 | Extracorporeal therapies for sepsis | Alessio Vigani 

18.30 - 20.00 | EVECCS AGM | Elatifi 1-2 | Members only